Thursday, April 24, 2014

Derma Rolling Diary: Get Nothing Less Than Gold

The world is constantly evolving and people are discovering more and more ways to improve life.  Anti-aging and skin care options are becoming more and more popular especially among young professionals.  With the myriad choices for anti-aging creams, slimming pills, skin firming lotions and what not, it has become harder and harder to decipher which ones are really the most effective.  Using skin care products that are not compatible with your skin type not only lead to irritation and breakouts, but cause you a whole lot of wasted money as well.

When in doubt with which regimen to go for, choose the one with less chemicals and have an all natural effect.  Such is the gold Derma roller used in the microneedling or the Derma rolling process.  Derma rolling is the act of causing tiny dents in skin’s problem areas to allow deeper penetration of skin care products.  These dents also activate the collagen and elastin production process of the skin, which is its natural response when wounded.  These dents made by the Derma roller however, are not permanent and close off within a few hours.  No more prolonged healing time compared to its surgical counterparts.

The gold derma roller is made of titanium needles at 1.0mm in length.  The length of the 540 microneedles is important because it spells the difference between the sting and the pain.  When using the derma roller, make sure to be careful and to be sensitive to your skin’s response.  Gradually roll it over the problem areas and just go slowly.  Most users have claimed effective results within two weeks.  With great patience, you’ll surely discover the wonders it can do for your skin too!

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